How Decluttering Can Boost Your Business
The benefits of decluttering are well recognized when itcomes to making space in your home. But have you thoughtabout how those benefits can be applied to your businesstoo? Here are two compelling reasons to adopt a decluttermindset in the workplace...
How important is it to your business that you are decisive and purposeful? That you keep driving your businessforward? Most business owners accept that forward momentum and clear purpose are absolutely key to the success of their business. So let's take a look at how clutter fits into the picture here...
When you think about it, clutter plays a distinctly subversive role when it comes to forward momentum. In fact wherever you encounter it in your business and in your environment, clutter is a manifestation of procrastination. All clutter exits either because you've deferred a decision about something, or because you've made the decision but not taken the action. Either way it's procrastination at play.
For example, if you have a pile of papers cluttering your office floor, you will either be trying to ignore them in the vain hope that they will magically disappear undertheir own steam and you won't have to decide what to do about them. Or you will already have decided what you want(or ought) to do with the papers, but be postponing the action phase of the operation.
Either way that pile of papers sits there on your office floor, cluttering up your workspace, draining your energy and making you feel bad fornot having done anything about it yet.
I'm sure you're well aware of the effects of procrastination, not only on your decisiveness as a business person, but on your general well being and energy levels. Procrastination is an extraordinary energy drainer, capable of stopping you and your business in your tracks if you let it get a grip.
So by dealing with your workspace clutter, you eliminate anenormous amount of procrastination and free up large amounts of energy. Makes sense doesn't it?
The second reason for adopting a declutter mindset in your business is an entirely practical process of creating the space for new customers.
If your workplace is stuffed with outdated rubbish, if your diary is heaving with 'ought to but don't want to'appointments, if your schedule is full of low grade clients who aren't paying you full price, where's the space for newbusiness to come in?
Nature abhors a vacuum. This means that if you declutter and create space in your business, it won't stay empty for long. The trick is to declutter and create space at the same time as setting an intention to attract new clients or customers to fill that space. Know what business you want to come your way and set about making the most inviting space for it you can.
I know a number of people who swear by this technique. When business is quiet, or when they want to crank it up anotch, they take a look around their workplace and they askthemselves:
What can I declutter today? Sometimes it's a bigger clear-out process and takes a bit of planning and a day or two to execute. But at the end of the process, invariably, they get that call, offering them the chance of exciting new business.
So these are the two key ways in which decluttering can boost your business:
1. It cuts your procrastination guilt and clears the path to forward momentum. 2. It creates the space for new business to materialize.
It's got to be worth a try hasn't it?
Mary McNeil of Create a Space is an experienced,ICF-certified life coach who works with her clients on avariety of decluttering, success and creativity projects.Her 30-day home learning e-course: 'Declutter Your Way ToCreativity' is available from .
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