Friday, October 06, 2006

Marketing With Business Cards

There are many different ways to market you business,
especially when you have your operations running online. One
very simple way to get your name out there is through the use
of business cards. These can be bought relatively inexpensive
and are easy to distribute.
The first thing that you are going to want to do is find a
company that lets you order a large number of cards. I
personally recommend Vistaprints at Here
you will be able to create and purchase a large amount of cards
at a reasonable price.
I recommend ordering around 2000 of them.
When you are in the process of creating your cards, make sure to
register a domain name linked to your website if you don't
already have one, and place it on the card. That way, all
someone has to do is check out your website in order to see
your product and/or opportunity.
After your cards arrive, you might ask, "What am I supposed to
do with these now?" This is a very common question that I get
all the time. To answer it, let me give you a few examples of
how to get all 2000 of your cards out to the right people
within a month.
You know when you get those pesky bills that you have to pay
every month, well one great way to distribute your business
cards is by dropping a few in with the payment of those bills.
Remember, there is always someone who has to open your bill on
the other end.
Another way that is very efficient when handing out you cards
is placing them in business books throughout your local
bookstores. Next time you go to a bookstore, stop by the
business section and place your business cards in a few books
(not too many). That way your cards are directed to people
looking for opportunities within the business realm.
Finally, you can never go wrong just handing them out to people
you meet. When you give someone your card, there is a much
larger chance that they will do business with you simply
because they can put a face to the business. I highly recommend
this method and never fail to use it myself.
By using this simple method of marketing with business cards
you can plan on handing out all 2000 of your cards in the very
first month of business. This will greatly increase the traffic
directed to your company and hopefully increase your overall
To your success,
Andrew Leone

About The Author: Andrew Leone is an active network-marketer
training and developing the skills of entrepreneurs all over
the net. Find out how to take charge of your own financial
freedom by taking his FREE tour. => This article is currently
available for free reprint.

Automate Your Business With An Autoresponder

Copyright (c) 2006 Constantin Chersin
IT Pro Vision
When you run your own business there are many things to do and
just not enough time to complete them all. It is critical to not
only organize your time but to take advantage of technology and
automate your business. Autoresponders will allow you to do this.
They are relatively cheap, will save your time and allow you to
organize the many daily chores of your business.
Now before you go out and just get a free autoresponder, stop and
take into consideration a few points. Free autoresponders have
very limited features and they put their ads into your messages.
This will make a bad impression on you and you will lose the
trust of your readers. Trust and credibility is critical when
selling anything.
Autoresponders have many uses here are a few:
1. Newsletter management
2. Thank you notes-follow up note to customers
3. Mailers
4. FAQ answers
5. Announcements
6. Ads
7. E-courses
Your newsletter is a powerful promotion tool and needs to be well
maintained and managed. Without an autoresponder you will take
many hours to complete the simple tasks of newsletter management.
An autoresponder will manage your lists, by taking care of
bounces, those who unsubscribe, and visitors who subscribe to
your newsletter. A simple web form will allow subscribers to be
added to your list. Your autoresponder will let you to send out
your newsletter with just one click of your mouse. Many
autoresponders have a tracking feature allowing you to tell how
many subscribers open your newsletter and how many have used your
links. This lets you see the effectiveness of your newsletter and
It is respectful and simply good business etiquette to send a
thank you note to your customers and clients. Your autoresponder
can be set up to send one immediately they buy, and include a
link for downloading or shipping instructions. It can also be set
up for a scheduled follow up letter which will ask if they need
any help and offer a bounce back offer.
Mailers are a powerful way to promote your business and can turn
indecisive prospects into buyers. They are a series of messages
about your product/services. Messages are sent out at timed
intervals. A good time frame is about 7-10 days on a daily basis.
Do not overdo this sales technique or you will lose potential
customers. Here are some common ways they can be used.
Mailers sent to your customers can be very rewarding. Offers of
discounts, or coupons on related items are called bounce back or
backend selling. Once your customer has bought and enjoyed one
product from you they will be highly likely to buy from you
again. Use your bounce back offer in your follow up email.
Be careful never to abuse this powerful way of marketing. Only
market to your opt-in-list, people who have specifically asked
for more information about your product or have actually bought
from you. Never send out messages to anyone on a random basis
this is unsolicited mail and will get you into a lot of trouble
and can even result in your losing your business.
Your FAQ list can be set up on an autoresponder. Instead of
spending hours per day to answer customers questions you can make
a list of frequently asked questions and answers. In your follow
up letter to your customer you can reference and provide them a
link in the letter which when clicked will bounce back an email
with your FAQ.
Announcements are good to send out to your subscribers and
customers. They inform them of any new services you are offering,
or a special discount or certificate. You can also tell them
about anything special that will be published in the newsletter.
Advertisements like solo ads will always be sent out by your
autoresponder. These can be scheduled ahead of time and your
autoresponder will automatically send these out to your list.
E-courses are a great promotional tool. You can give your reader
valuable information and at the same time can put a tiny 3 line
ad with your signature. They are usually 5-7 days long on a daily
basis. This means that you will have the chance to build a
relationship and a possible sale with a prospective customer and
show your tiny ad 5-7 times.
There are so many ways to use this powerful marketing tool. Used
wisely and well it can build your business and expand your
markets. Above all it will put much of your daily chores on
autopilot and leave you time to run your business more smoothly
and with less stress.
Constantin Chersin is an entrepreneur specializing
in software and web development. For more information
about his services and how he can help you promote your
business, please visit
Constantin is also the publisher of the
free marketing newsletter "IT Pro Vision."