VoIP Small Business Solution
Many small businesses tend to lag behind their larger
counterparts in their use of new technology. Those that do
may be doomed, not only to remain small and fail to realize
the growth that their initial potential may have promised,
but also to lag behind their smaller competitors. In fact
a VoIP small business solution can not only save small
businesses money, but also significantly increase their
communications efficiency.
It is a proven fact that technology can contribute a great
deal to growth, irrespective of the size of the company
involved, and even a single VoIP network can give a small
business a competitive edge.
Not only can a small business VoIP solution dramatically
reduce the size of a phone bill to the company concerned,
it can also help to reduce the phone bills of their
customers. A VoIP subscriber can select any area code it
wants to use, so that if the majority of their customers
operate from New York, the business can offer these
customers calls at the local rate, even if that business is
located in Los Angeles.
In fact this type of small business solution to
communication costs can allow them to offer toll free
numbers to their more important customers, a service
hitherto only economically feasible to larger companies.
How's that for a competitive edge? In many businesses
image is everything and this VoIP small business solution
to competing with the big boys is a massive incentive to
adopting this new technology.
This is not all that a VoIP small business solution offers,
however. There is also the advantage that the provision of
VoIP telephones to sales personnel allows them to
communicate with head office, and every other company
employee issued with a VoIP handset, free of charge
irrespective of distance.
Because the VoIP small business solution to
telecommunications, like all other VoIP applications,
involves communication via the internet, such communication
can be made using software and hardware suitable for IP use
such as PC, laptop, palm computers, PDAs, Bluetooth and any
other technology suitable for packetized internet transfer
and reception. By use of VoIP small business solution
technology, small businesses can at last compete with
networked corporate companies in speed and flexibility of
Conference calls integrating other web-based voice and
video presentation technologies can be arranged at the
click of a button, and customers can be impressed with
corporate technology at small business prices.
A VoIP small business solution is available for any medium
to small company structure, and simple networked systems
can easily be incorporated due to the intrinsic internet
and web-related technologies involved. This makes
facilities available to small businesses which previously
had been the domain only of the large corporations that
could afford them.
With a customized VoIP small business solution, companies
of any size can tick off communication as one more step
towards not only competing with large corporations, but
getting ahead of their peers with respect to communications
efficiency, image and speed of response to requests and
After all, if you can communicate with a colleague in Japan
quicker and at lower cost than your competitor can with
Boston, what chance does he have? A VoIP small business
solution designed specifically for you can achieve this as
standard - it is not an expensive option!
Peter Nisbet is an industrial chemist with a great interest
in internet file transmission and reception systems and
runs many websites including
http://www.data-voip-solutions.com where many aspects of
VoIP services and systems are discussed.