Sunday, October 22, 2006

Leadership Lessons from the Great Pyramids - PART 2 of 2

...While "attitude" was enough to build the smaller
Pyramids (like that of King Sneferu), the largest,
grandest, and the only of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient
world still standing, with a height of 450 feet and 756
feet square: The Great Pyramid of Khufu, needed more than
just a great attitude.

True greatness lies in self-actualization through work

When work becomes choice, it no longer manifests itself as
work. It is the convergence of personal desire and the
actions we gladly take.

As it turned out from the discovery of a Workers Cemetery,
building Pyramids was a dangerous business. Even with a
great attitude, that's a real bummer. So why would anyone
choose to put in their whole hearted effort and risk their
lives in the process. Was it Bak, or feeling special, or
was it more?

Harvard's George Reisner found workers graffiti created by
"Building Teams" that called themselves names like "Friends
of Khufu" and "Drunkards of Menkaure".

These findings and ancient Scrolls suggest that these teams
were made up of many classes of people on a rotating basis.
This means that the managers, architects, and even the
priests would take part in building.

Did Pharaoh himself go down and carve bricks? Only Ra would

But in today's context when nurturing the psychology of a
superior workforce, a Hands-on CEO often commands greater


Because he/she leads for others and not for a personal ego

The term "Hands on" should be qualified here: a CEO that
gets into other peoples job because of frustration or tries
to do everything themselves is counterproductive. The hands
on type I'm talking about is an individual who takes the
time to have assist his personnel by supportively guiding
them. And, who lets his subordinates teach him what and how
they are doing in order to have a greater understanding of
even the least significant function. This would be a Leader
who may see a mop and proceed to clean the floor while the
janitor's on his break, then ask the janitor if he did it
right when he comes back. Or, who may go to the source when
a manager is having difficulty with equipment and assist
him in solving the problem as the manager takes charge.
These of course must be taken in context of time
requirements, but a great leader will have more time
because they would be more effective in assisting people to
achieve greater and faster results.

In these teams people were equals and as equals established
unique identities within the masses. Each of these teams
was divided into 5 smaller teams where more cohesiveness
amongst team members could be formed.

With individual group identities, leaders were able to
establish the groups as an essential part of the same
vision. They were part of something greater than the
individual, they had ownership in it. It was a higher
purpose. As a part of these select teams they had strength
that no individual could ever have, they were greater than
themselves and even Pharaoh.

This became a way for the average person to have real
power, to feel an equal to royalty. The Pyramid became the
achievement that no one but them could achieve, a part of
history that they could tell there children about. A
physical manifestation of owning a part of something no one
else could do.

This higher purpose bred cooperation and efficiency; there
was pride in Daily accomplishments. And each team
celebrated with other teams after each completed step of
the process. These people didn't work as individuals, not
even as groups, but as an extension of the organization.

To achieve self actualization in a workforce, a modern
company must ask "Why?"

Why would someone feel powerful working in your

Why would they be proud to be a part it?

What is your "Pyramid", the greater purpose your staff
could be a part of?

Each person has their own values they must equate and align
with the organizations vision to achieve self
actualization. To lead self actualized individuals, a
leader doesn't direct or even guide; at this stage a leader
collaborates with his people as equals, empowering them as
entrepreneurs and not employees. Self actualization stems
from personal power. When you feel power in and of your
actions, when you feel like YOU matter in the grand plan of
those actions, then you reach the pinnacle of your success.

There are 4 steps to achieve this:

1. Create mixed rank teams that maintain equality

2. Allow the teams to develop unique identities that align
their own values with those of the organization

3. Assist teams in finding their own greater purpose

4. Measure success on a daily basis to maximize sense of

Secrets of a motivated, dedicated, and well organized

When Pharaoh set out to build the greatest of the great
Pyramids, he assembled his greatest and wisest people and
encrypted the writings below as a path to greatness:

Secrete writings of the mysterious code hidden in the
Pyramids that illuminates the force of superior management.

Source: The Carmazzi Scrolls -

The Pinnacle of greatness comes when individuals see their
work as their purpose. To cultivate this, leaders must
Collaborate as equals with their people. There must be a
greater purpose to the work, something greater than the
individual, or the group. When working on the plane of "
SELF ACTUALIZATION, people work at the level of


The Core of building greatness is formed through Attitude.
To develop this attribute for success, leaders must Guide
their people, cause emotions of significance that couldn't
be inspired alone. Leaders develop reciprocity by creating
an environment of personal growth that is far superior to
the standard. When working on the plane of "ATTITUDE",
people work at the level "Group"


The Foundations of building greatness should be based on
skill. Leaders should Direct and teach individuals until
those individuals have mastered the required skill. When
working on the plane of "SKILL" people work at the level of


Much of this article is based on the Directive
Communication Psychology developed by Arthur F Carmazzi.
For more information and articles, visit the Directive
Communication website at:
- Or, Email Arthur at:

Make a fortune when you correct these mistakes in seminar marketing

Copyright (c) 2006 Larry Klein

You can make a fortune using seminars as a marketing tool.
Smart financial advisors, attorneys, CPAs, real estate
agents, mortgage brokers and other professionals and
business owners use seminar marketing to pack a room of
potential new clients and turn them into business. Rather
than prospecting one person at a time, you have a room of
50 people.

First, do your research and know what your market wants.
Call potential attendees and ask them: What's the biggest
challenge in your business? If there would be one thing you
could change about your financial situation, what would it
be? What aspect of your life is most out of balance? Or
send a survey or do a teleconference but you must gather
this information.

Too many professionals and business owners dive into
seminar marketing and choose a topic based on their
perceptions rather than asking their market. Okay, now that
you have your topic, you must convert it into a message
that packs the seminar room.

The next mistake in seminar marketing is not putting enough
effort or applying enough expertise to the seminar
AN EMPTY CHURCH. So if your attendance is poor, you've lost
money and missed an opportunity to help potential attendees
with your wisdom, product or service.

Your seminar invitation must be a super compelling,
motivational piece that would sell ice to eskimos. You've
got two choices-either develop the skills to write great
copy or hire a copywriter to write your seminar invitation.
To develop the skills, study books like Cash Copy by
Jeffrey Lant, Magic Words that Bring You Riches by Ted
Nicholas or any books by John Caples. Alternatively, hire
a copywriter and simply pay them to do it. A good
copywriter is about the best seminar marketing investment
you can make.

Just to give you an example of the difference that copy
makes, which seminar would you rather attend:

"What's the Stock Market Doing This Year" Or "Five Ways
these Wealthy Investors Make Consistent Profits in the
Stock Market"

Is it any surprise that the second title will gain far
greater seminar attendance?

Now you know what your target market wants and you've
created a seminar invitation with compelling language.
Attendees show up and they love the presentation. So what?
How will you turn this successful seminar event into
business? Just because you give a great and enlightening
presentation does not mean anyone will call you. That's
our third common mistake: failure to have a mechanism to
convert attendees into clients.

The seminar must end with an invitation to meet with you
(or a colleague). Even though your presentation was great
and showed your attendees several great ideas, you still
need the final killer offer so that they make a commitment
to meet with you before they leave. You must have such a
process before they leave because if you think you can call
later and set appointments, forget it. Your prospects will
have cooled off.

Your final killer offer ties back to what you learned when
you did your initial research. Let's say you're an estate
planning attorney and you learned that a common and
frequent concern was that your audience is worried that
their heirs will spend their inheritance foolishly. In that
case, your final offer sounds like this:

"You've learned a great deal about how to plan an estate
well and I'd like to show you how to put these techniques
to work in your situation. So I have set aside some free
consultation times for which I normally charge $300. But
for those of you who were nice enough to put up with me
today, I can offer you those consultation hours for free.
At that meeting I will answers any questions that you have
about your estate plan and additionally, I will show you
three ways to keep heirs from spending their inheritance
and how to protect those assets from their creditors.
Since I have fewer consultation slots available than people
are here today, please check off a time and date right

Now, you have created a hungry audience for your scarce
time and to get information that's important to them. From
a crowd of say 50 people, you can get appointments with at
least half and 90% of those will become clients. Now
that's successful seminar marketing.

Larry Klein CPA/PFS,CFP(r),CRFA(TM) is a national financial
speaker and expert in markteing financial services and
seminar marketing. You can access his entire library of
seminar marketing articles at