Sunday, February 11, 2007

Do You Have a Business Plan?

Starting your own business is an exciting adventure. Each
of us has great expectations of how running our own
business from home will release us from Corporate America,
give us more freedom, and soon bring us to the ultimate
dream of financial freedom.

There are numerous factors that come into play when we
decide to start our own home based business, but the most
overlooked is an iron clad Business Plan. I do not mean
some ideas floating around in your head of unrealistic
goals and no set way to reach them.

Your Business Plan should include but not be limited to the
following ideas.

First and foremost, is the start-up of a business, which
includes issue such as:

1.Choosing a Business - you should choose an area that is
of interest to you and you can be excited about promoting
but also that is something that others are also interested
in so the need is there.

2.Choose a Name for Your Business - think long and hard
about this before registering a name that later you regret.
Make it memorable and creative.

3.Business Location - Where are you going to "set up shop"?
It must be in an area that is free from distractions and
you can shut yourself off as you go to "work" each day ~ an
area to call your own.

4.Legal Requirements - check out the requirements in your
state to make sure you meet any licensing required.

5.Financing - Know what you have to spend and keep detailed
records. Over obligating oneself can often mean failure
before you even start.

6.Sales & Marketing - How are you going to get word out
there that you have a business? Who is your target audience?

7.Research - research the market, talk to people that are
successful in this area, visit Forums.

8.Knowledge - Learn about your industry and what is
required to be successful and make sure you have and are
capable of these items.

Once you have the start-up in place, you must now decide on
your goals, do you need a website, and how are you going to
promote your business? So often, people jot down a few
ideas that are unrealistic compared to their time available
to spend on the business, their financial means, and their
work ethic.

Here are some questions to ask yourself when you are
developing your business plan:

1.Where am I now and where am I going?
2.What do I want to have, to do, to be?
3.What will it cost?
4.What am I willing to sacrifice?
5.What will be my method or tools to reach this goal?
6.Who can I involve?
7.How many hours a week do I have to work on this business?
8.What areas of advertising and marketing can I use?
9.What knowledge do I need?
10.Do I have the right attitude, the desire and the

Now, sit down and start putting your ideas on paper.
Remember to develop short and long term goals. Make sure
your goals are realistic and obtainable. Make 90-Day plans,
monthly plans, or even weekly plans. Your business plan is
an ongoing process that must be changed as you move further
and further into your business and gain the knowledge to
know what you need and desire. Make no mistake, having it
in writing will make you more focused and accountable.

Robin Hazen ~ Webmaster and Owner of "The Work At Home
Resource Site" located at